
Main setting is in Bangalore, India
New Delhi, Laxmangerh, Gurgaon

Takes place in 21 century

This is happening when India is at an all-time high where glamorous malls, fast roads and expensive bars are there alongside shady towns and poverty.

At that time India is expanding its development to its full potential and having much shady deals with people for money.

Throughout Indian history, Muslims and have not gotten along and this has been an ongoing issue through India since 1943 when the Hindus created mob attacks on Muslims.

Clash of Cultures:
Muslims vs Hindus

Muslims and Hindus have had bad blood between each other for decades.

Balram discovers that Ram Persad is a Muslim and uses that against him to gain control but once the secret is out, then Ram flees without saying a word.

Balram has grown up with a poor family from the Halwai caste which enforces that he will grow up be become a sweet maker. Although Balram wants to become more and get a better life for himself so he takes a risk of making a deal with his family that he will become more than a sweet maker. He makes a deal with his family that if they pay for it, he will become a driver only if he promises to send money home each month.

Throughout many years, his family has grown as sweet makers and it runs in his blood. Although, as he wants to go on to do bigger and better things he has to decide to leave his family or stay true to the name of the Halwai caste.

I think that your online image is just as important as a first impresion. Always remember that someone else is on the other side of the screen too, although you may just be alone in your room typing something, you will not be the only one reading it. Many jobs and schools look at your online profile to determine if they think you would fit to get a job or go to that school. Many peoples lives have been ruined because of something they have posted online and even if they had deleted it, it is never completely erased from the internet. Some people have even gone to jail for bullying online or harassment because of something they have posted online. 

This article, http://www.teachhub.com/10-things-your-students-should-know-about-their-digital-footprints, shows a writers opinion on how students should create a good digital footprint and how ten easy points can create a positive image of yourself online. I have narrowed my opinion of how you can create a positive digital footprint for yourself in a few ways.

These are three ways I think that you can do to create a positive image online:

1. Don't post anything that you wouldn't feel comfortable shouting out or reading to your parents
If you are in your room and your friends might be posting inappropriate things on their social media, pause and think about if you would shout the same thing you are about to post online to a crowd of people. Secondly think about if you would read the same message to your parents because chances are that your parents will come across the message at some point. Also the internet is basically a huge group of people that read anything that you post. So instead of posting something that you wouldn't really want other people to see, try posting something insightful and meaningful that might help someone instead.

2. If you are unsure about posting something, leave it and come back in a few minutes to re-read and see if it is okay to post
Many times you will go onto the internet and not give a second thought about writing something online but instead they post the first thing that pops up in their head. Instead, try read over your messages before you send them and see what other people might think of it. If you are not sure if a post will offend anyone else or if it is just something good to post, step away from the computer for a few minutes then come back and see if you still think it's a good idea to post it.

3. Post only when you are happy
If you are angry or upset at anyone then back away from the computer. Angry emotions should be a red flag telling you to stay away from posting anything online because you most likely will not feel the same way about it later. Most of the time we let our emotions get the best of us and we stop thinking about the consequences after. Learn to keep away from any social media while you are having conflicting emotions toward something and wait until you are calm and happy again. Relating back to the Golden Rule we have all learned as a child, treat others the way you would want to be treated. This is the easiest way to create a positive image for you online and have a good feeling about yourself digitally.

Discussion Questions:
If there had never been the creation of human rights, how would our lives be if we had not changed society’s rules on racism?  Would we still have a cruel society, or would we have evolved to an even worse society than before?

As humans we all have the same structure on the inside. Our bones and blood are built the same. Even though we are so similar, why does society still categorize people into groups and act differently towards a certain groups of people?

In 1948 most of the worlds countries came together and created the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; a standard that the United Nations expected the world to follow. Today, we acknowledge to these rules and improve our laws for the better good of society. Just like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had said in his 1963 "I Have a Dream Speech", we should dream for a society where we are equal and we are all respected.

As a really big tech enthusiast, I've decided to give my opinion on the class Chrome Books vs. the Net Books. When I first saw the Net Books I thought that they were extremely bulky and heavy. I really do not like the old look of them and the layout of the keyboard and the track pad. The track pad is my biggest annoyance as it is way too small and has too many buttons that are not useful. Although the one thing I must say that is pretty good about it is that the Net Books is that they do have a faster internet then the school computers. Overall I don't like the Net Books very much and they would not be my preferred choice of laptops. Onto the Chrome books, I think that the sleek style and nice layout is a great choice for the class as many students do not care for performance as long as it is fast and many people usually choose depending if something looks good or not. The Chrome Books are a really nice, sleek, easy to use layout and style which would make it easy for anyone to use. The track pad and keys are probably my favorite part because they are more layed out and clean and they resemble a apple laptop layout. The track pad is also easy and multiuseful. Once someone learns the gestures, they are really useful and make getting around really easy. As of performance,  I think that the idea of having little memory and everything stored onto the Google drive is a brilliant idea. It makes the laptop a lot cheaper and saves memory and money. With the idea of saving everything onto the Goggle drive, it does make it difficult if you don't have internet, then it basically makes the laptop useless. Also if there would be a big file you would want to save onto the computer, it would be difficult taking into account of the small memory. Another problem is that with the restrictions of using G-mail and other chrome related apps, it makes it difficult to use the Books to it's full extent. Personally I would never buy the Chrome Books for personal use and my home computer but for school I think they are just what we need in the classroom.

I have also took a quick pole of my classes opinion if they would rather prefer the Chrome Books or the Net Books and it came to a total of 13 people preferred the Chrome Books and 7 people preferred the Net Books.
Therefore my opinion is that the Chrome Books are a better choice although that said, I think that we should have both Net Books and Chrome Books in the classroom to have a balance of both because every person is different and this is just my opinion.

A devastating occurrence happened on April 15, 2013 that really struck the nation in awe and sorrow. During the Boston marathon there were 2 big explosions that went off during the race. Many people that were at the finish line sidelines when the explosion went off. This was a tragic event for the states that really shocked many family's. I can only imagine how devastated the couple of family's that lost people must feel. Even with this tragedy happening in the states, we sometimes forget that in other countries, these kind of bombing happen everyday. With these bombings happening we need to remember to remember everyday to love our family because they might be gone the next day.

North Korea has an extremely bad reputation and on of the worst conditions in the world. North Korea has really been taking advantage over South Korea throughout the years by bulling them into giving them food and helping them with military needs. This needs to change, we cannot allow north Korea to push the entire wold down. Recently they have been threatening America of a nuke attack. But in reality they just needed the support of their resources that are running out such as food. Personally i think we need to some how overthrow North Korea, although i do not know how but we can not let them bully us any longer.

When I first saw this video, I thought this was truly beautiful. It really had a great message at the end and I think it has great power to it. It really lifts my hopes for humanity showing that we aren't all just self conceived and we still do have a heart. It also shows how much power words have and the effect it can have on others. I really do like this video and hope that people can learn from it.
Nine-year-old Madeline Cranston is someone who I am really looking forward to seeing at TedX. She is just a great inspiration and I and super excited to hear her story how this little girl started her own company and why she fell in love with saving the Earth's oceans. She is a huge inspiration to many people around the world because of her passion and enthusiasm towards her company. I hope for her to inspire me in helping the world more and going for my dreams.

Another group I am stoked to see is H.E.L.P. This was an organisation created by three grade 11 students. Its amazing what a group of people can accomplish and I can't wait to hear how they started the organisation and got the idea. Also I would like to hear how it impacted their lives.

 I am really looking forward to everyone speaking to and am excited for the event. I think it will be really fun and an eye opener.

Ever since we were little we have been asked, what do you want to be when your older? Obviously when your young you would say something like a firefighter or a doctor, but when you get older you really start to think about what you really want to do when you grow up. When we get asked this question we usually have 2 answers, our practical job and our dream job.Throughout all of our life our parents have always made sure that we had a good education to get a well paying, practical job. Well, what happened to our dream jobs? What if there was no worries about money or having a practical job, what if we could have any job we ever wanted without all of the worries. Our dreams should never just stay dreams, they should become a reality. Even if we can not accomplish our dreams sometimes, I still think that we shouldn't just push them aside in the back of our head only living it while we're asleep at night. The imaginations in our head are really the only things that get us going through out the day. Daydreaming of a perfect world that you wish you could live in but thinking it's hopeless because of what society has forced into our minds. I don't think that we should all be giving up on our "realistic" goal, I just think that we should all have that hope and keep that dream still close to us and maybe one day you might come close to it. We don't need perfection, just happiness..

Keep an open mind and never let go of your dreams.

Okay, so I have a confession to make. It might be a little hard to believe and It probably doesn't really seem like it but... I am addicted to video games.There we go I finally said it! This is my story of how it all began...

I live in a house with my mom,dad and sister. My dad has never really been a huge fan of video games and my sister and my mom both hate it, but I absolutely love them ! Ever since I was a little kid, I remember going over to my best friends house almost everyday; she had a Game Cube and a Game Boy which we played all the time. When ever I went to her house we would both be playing on separate consoles, although with both of us doing separate things, we would have the best times. To this day I still remember specifically my favorite games we would play, such as Animal Crossing, Hamtaro, and Pokemon. For my 7th birthday my parents bought me my own PS2, and I was probably the happiest kid in the world. My parents still were a bit skeptical on why I liked video games but they left it alone because it made me happy. With my very first gaming system, I was so excited to start playing games. There was this one game in particular that I just became addicted with, it was called Kya: Dark Legions. I still remember the experience I had playing it for the first time. It was amazing graphics for the time and just awesome game play, eventually my father got interested in the game and he started playing too. To this very day we still play the game over and over, we have probably both beaten it about 30 times, literally. We also loved the game so much that we even named our cat after the game, we named her Kya. When I turned about 10, I bought myself my own Nintendo DS Pearl, It was pink and beautiful. The first game I got when I bought it was Pokemon Diamond, I've always loved Pokemon ever since I was a little kid and Pokemon quickly became my love. The second game I got was Animal crossing and this game was really important to me because it was one of my all time favorite games that I played with my friend so it really meant a lot to me. Another couple years passed and I kind of suckered my Mom and Sister to chipping in to help me buy and Xbox 360. It probably wasn't the nicest thing for me to manipulate my family, but hey, when you have an addiction you'll do anything for your drug. Even before I got my Xbox I played multiple times at my friends house and normally we would play Left 4 Dead or Call of Duty, so when I first got my Xbox I immediately bought those two games and no shock here, I became obsessed. Now a days I casually play Call of Duty 2 everyday and Minecraft but I've been wanting to get a bunch more games SOON! 
So there it is, my entire story of how I got started with video games. I know its quite lame for me to explain this entire story of how I started playing video games but its not as often you see a girl so into gaming and I thought I would just share my story and show people that gamer girls are just the same as gamer guys. Don't hate or discriminate. I just wanted to share, maybe someone out there would be interested but who knows.

